5.3. LibAVStream

5.3.1. Introduction

LibAVStream is a helper library for streaming video and geometry data between a server and client. A user of this library constructs an avs::Pipeline instance, and configures the pipeline with avs::PipelineNode subclass instances. Nodes can receive data from other nodes, process it, and pass the processed data on to other nodes.

A pipeline operates on a single thread, while queues allow threads to exchange data. For example, the server’s Network pipeline connects several avs::Queue instances to a single avs::NetworkSink. For example, the video encoding pipeline links an avs::Surface that receives raw video frames, to an avs::Encoder, and finally to a queue. On another thread, the same queue in the network pipeline passes the data to the avs::NetworkSink.

LibAVStream uses Enet for UDP datagram control. It uses SRT and EFP over UDP for data stream reliability and deliverability.

Two pipelines operating on separate threads are connected using an avs::Queue.

Fig. 5.1 Two pipelines operating on separate threads are connected using an avs::Queue.

5.3.2. Namespace

namespace avs


typedef uint64_t uid
typedef uint16_t InputId

An input identifier, used between client and server to denote a specific input.

typedef void (*MessageHandlerFunc)(LogSeverity severity, const char *msg, void *userData)

Message handler function prototype.

Param severity:

Message severity class.

Param msg:

Null-terminated string containing the message.

Param userData:

Custom user data pointer.

typedef std::function<void(const uint8_t *buffer, size_t bufferSize)> HTTPCallbackFn
typedef void *LibraryHandle
typedef void *ProcAddress
typedef struct timespec Timestamp
typedef PlatformPOSIX Platform


enum class AudioEncoderBackend

Audio encoder backend type.


enumerator Any

Any backend (auto-detect during configuration).

enumerator Custom

Custom external backend.

enum class LogSeverity

Log severity class.


enumerator Never
enumerator Debug
enumerator Info
enumerator Warning
enumerator Error
enumerator Critical
enumerator Num_LogSeverity
enum class DeviceType

Graphics API device handle type.


enumerator Invalid

Invalid (null) device.

enumerator Direct3D11

Direct3D 11 device.

enumerator Direct3D12

Direct3D 12 device

enumerator OpenGL

OpenGL device (implicit: guarantees that OpenGL context is current in calling thread).

enumerator Vulkan

Vulkan device

enum class VideoCodec : uint8_t

Video codec.


enumerator Any
enumerator Invalid
enumerator H264


enumerator HEVC

HEVC (H265)

enum class AudioCodec

Audio codec.


enumerator Any
enumerator Invalid
enumerator PCM
enum class VideoPreset

Video encoding preset.


enumerator Default

Default encoder preset.

enumerator HighPerformance

High performance preset (potentially faster).

enumerator HighQuality

High quality preset (potentially slower).

enum class VideoPayloadType : uint8_t

Video payload type.


enumerator FirstVCL

Video Coding Layer unit (first VCL in an access unit).

enumerator VCL

Video Coding Layer unit (any subsequent in each access unit).

enumerator VPS

Video Parameter Set (HEVC only)

enumerator SPS

Sequence Parameter Set

enumerator PPS

Picture Parameter Set

enumerator ALE

Custom name. NAL unit with alpha layer encoding metadata (HEVC only).

enumerator OtherNALUnit

Other NAL unit.

enumerator AccessUnit

Entire access unit (possibly multiple NAL units).

enum class VideoExtraDataType : uint8_t


enumerator CameraTransform
enum class NetworkDataType : uint8_t


enumerator H264
enumerator HEVC
enumerator Framed
enumerator Generic
enum class GeometryPayloadType : uint8_t


enumerator Invalid
enumerator Mesh
enumerator Material
enumerator MaterialInstance
enumerator Texture
enumerator Animation
enumerator Node
enumerator Skeleton
enumerator FontAtlas
enumerator TextCanvas
enum class AudioPayloadType : uint8_t


enumerator Capture
enum class NodeDataType : uint8_t


enumerator Invalid
enumerator None
enumerator Mesh
enumerator Light
enumerator TextCanvas
enumerator SubScene
enumerator Skeleton
enumerator Link
enum class FilePayloadType : uint8_t


enumerator Invalid
enumerator Texture
enumerator Mesh
enumerator Material
enum class PayloadInfoType : uint8_t


enumerator Stream
enumerator File
enum class StreamingConnectionState : uint8_t


enumerator CONNECTING
enumerator CONNECTED
enumerator FAILED
enumerator CLOSED
enumerator ERROR_STATE
enum class InputType : uint8_t

What type of input to send, and when.


enumerator Invalid
enumerator IsEvent
enumerator IsReleaseEvent
enumerator IsInteger
enumerator IsFloat
enumerator IntegerState
enumerator FloatState
enumerator IntegerEvent
enumerator ReleaseEvent
enumerator FloatEvent
enum class AxesStandard : uint8_t

A model for how 3D space is mapped to X, Y and Z axes. A server may use one standard internally, while clients may use others. A server must be capable of supporting clients in at least EngineeringStyle and GlStyle.


enumerator NotInitialized
enumerator RightHanded
enumerator LeftHanded
enumerator YVertical
enumerator ZVertical
enumerator EngineeringStyle
enumerator GlStyle
enumerator UnrealStyle
enumerator UnityStyle
enum class DecoderBackend

Decoder backend type.


enumerator Any

Any backend (auto-detect during configuration).

enumerator Custom

Custom external backend.

enumerator NVIDIA


enumerator AMD

AMD CUVID backend.

enum class DecodeFrequency

Payload decode frequency.

Defines at what granularity video payload is being passed to the underlying hardware decoder. Different decoders may have different requirements as to the format of input they accept.


enumerator AccessUnit

Decode every complete access unit (at VCL boundaries).

enumerator NALUnit

Decode every NAL unit.

enum class DecoderStatus : uint32_t

Video decoder status.

Specifies the status of the video decoder at certain step in the video decoding pipeline.


enumerator DecoderUnavailable

Decoder has not been set up.

enumerator DecoderAvailable

Decoder is set up and ready to receive data.

enumerator ReceivingVideoStream

Decoder is receiving video data from the server.

enumerator QueuingVideoStreamBuffer

Decoder is storing the single received buffer for accumulation and processing.

enumerator AccumulatingVideoStreamBuffers

Decoder is collecting multiple single buffers to assemble enough data for a frame.

enumerator PassingVideoStreamToDecoder

Decoder is passing the completed frame data for decoding.

enumerator DecodingVideoStream

Hardware or software accelerated decoding of the video stream data.

enumerator ProcessingOutputFrameFromDecoder

Decoder is processing the output frame for use in graphics APIs.

enumerator FrameAvailable

Decoded video frame is available for use in graphics APIs.

enum class DecoderStatusNames

Video decoder status names.

For use with magic_enum


enumerator DecoderUnavailable
enumerator DecoderAvailable
enumerator ReceivingVideoStream
enumerator QueuingVideoStreamBuffer
enumerator AccumulatingVideoStreamBuffers
enumerator PassingVideoStreamToDecoder
enumerator DecodingVideoStream
enumerator ProcessingOutputFrameFromDecoder
enumerator FrameAvailable
enum class EncoderBackend

Encoder backend type.


enumerator Any

Any backend (auto-detect during configuration).

enumerator Custom

Custom external backend.

enumerator NVIDIA


enum class RateControlMode


enumerator RC_CONSTQP

Constant QP mode

enumerator RC_VBR

Variable bitrate mode

enumerator RC_CBR

Constant bitrate mode

enum class FileAccess


enumerator None


enumerator Read

Read only access.

enumerator Write

Write only access.

enum class MaterialExtensionIdentifier : uint32_t


enum class SamplerFilter : uint32_t


enumerator NEAREST
enumerator LINEAR
enum class SamplerWrap : uint32_t


enumerator REPEAT
enumerator CLAMP_TO_EDGE
enumerator CLAMP_TO_BORDER
enum class TextureFormat : uint32_t


enumerator INVALID
enumerator G8
enumerator BGRA8
enumerator BGRE8
enumerator RGBA16
enumerator RGBA16F
enumerator RGBA8
enumerator RGBE8
enumerator D16F
enumerator D24F
enumerator D32F
enumerator RGBA32F
enumerator RGB8
enumerator MAX
enum class TextureCompression : uint32_t


enumerator PNG
enumerator KTX
enum class RoughnessMode : uint16_t


enumerator CONSTANT
enumerator ROUGHNESS
enumerator SMOOTHNESS
enum class MaterialMode : uint8_t


enumerator UNKNOWNMODE
enum class PrimitiveMode : uint32_t


enumerator POINTS
enumerator LINES
enumerator TRIANGLES
enumerator LINE_STRIP
enum class AttributeSemantic : uint32_t

The standard glTF attribute semantics.


enumerator POSITION
enumerator NORMAL
enumerator TANGENT
enumerator TEXCOORD_0
enumerator TEXCOORD_1
enumerator COLOR_0
enumerator JOINTS_0
enumerator WEIGHTS_0
enumerator COUNT
enum class MeshCompressionType : uint8_t


enumerator NONE
enumerator DRACO
enum class StreamParserType

Bitstream parser type


enumerator AVC_AnnexB
enumerator Geometry
enumerator Audio
enumerator Custom
enumerator None
enumerator Default
enum class SurfaceFormat

Surface format.


enumerator Unknown

Unknown or invalid format.

enumerator ARGB

8-bits per channel ARGB format.

enumerator ABGR

8-bits per channel ABGR format.

enumerator NV12

NV12 format (YCrCb color encoding).

enumerator R16

16-bits single channel format.

enumerator ARGB10

10-bits per color channels, 2 bits for alpha. ARGB10 format.

enumerator ABGR10

10-bits per color channels, 2 bits for alpha. ABGR10 format.

enumerator ARGB16

16-bits per channel ARGB16 format.

enumerator ABGR16

16-bits per channel ABGR16 format.


AVSTREAM_API uid GenerateUid ()
AVSTREAM_API void ClaimUidRange (avs::uid last)
inline const char *stringOf(GeometryPayloadType t)
inline const char *stringOf(StreamingConnectionState state)
inline const char *stringof(InputType t)
inline InputType operator|(const InputType &a, const InputType &b)
inline InputType operator&(const InputType &a, const InputType &b)
inline AxesStandard operator|(const AxesStandard &a, const AxesStandard &b)
inline AxesStandard operator&(const AxesStandard &a, const AxesStandard &b)
template<typename T>
bool verify_values(const T &t1, const T &t2)
inline bool verify_values(const float &t1, const float &t2)
inline bool verify_values(const vec2 &t1, const vec2 &t2)
inline bool verify_values(const vec3 &t1, const vec3 &t2)
inline bool verify_values(const vec4 &t1, const vec4 &t2)
static inline std::string convertToByteString(std::wstring wideString)
static inline std::string convertToByteString(const char *txt)
template<typename istream>
istream &operator>>(istream &in, RoughnessMode &obj)
template<typename OutStream>
OutStream &operator<<(OutStream &out, const vec4 &vec)
template<typename InStream>
InStream &operator>>(InStream &in, vec4 &vec)
inline bool verify_values(const TextureAccessor &t1, const TextureAccessor &t2)
inline bool verify_values(const PBRMetallicRoughness &t1, const PBRMetallicRoughness &t2)
inline bool CompareMemory(const void *a, const void *b, size_t s)
void AVSTREAM_API ConvertTransform (AxesStandard fromStandard, AxesStandard toStandard, Transform &transform)
void AVSTREAM_API ConvertRotation (AxesStandard fromStandard, AxesStandard toStandard, vec4 &rotation)
void AVSTREAM_API ConvertPosition (AxesStandard fromStandard, AxesStandard toStandard, vec3 &position)
void AVSTREAM_API ConvertScale (AxesStandard fromStandard, AxesStandard toStandard, vec3 &scale)
int8_t AVSTREAM_API ConvertAxis (AxesStandard fromStandard, AxesStandard toStandard, int8_t axis)
inline size_t GetComponentSize(Accessor::ComponentType t)
inline size_t GetDataTypeSize(Accessor::DataType t)
template<typename U, typename T>
bool operator==(const std::map<U, T> &m1, const std::map<U, T> &m2)
template<typename T>
bool operator==(const std::vector<T> &m1, const std::vector<T> &m2)
struct Accessor
struct Attribute
struct AudioConfig
class AudioDecoder : public avs::PipelineNode
#include <audiodecoder.h>

Audio decoder node [input-active, output-active, 1/1]

Reads packets of encoded audio and outputs decoded data to an Audio Target.

class AudioEncoder : public avs::PipelineNode
#include <audioencoder.h>

Audio encoder node [input-active, output-active, 1/1]

Encodes audio

  • Compatible outputs: Any node implementing IOInterface.

class AudioEncoderBackendInterface : public avs::UseInternalAllocator
#include <audio_interface.h>

Audio encoder backend interface.

Subclassed by teleport::server::AudioEncoder

struct AudioEncoderParams
#include <audio_interface.h>

Audio encoder parameters.

class AudioParserInterface
#include <audio_interface.h>

Audio parser interface.

class AudioTarget : public avs::PipelineNode, public avs::AudioTargetInterface
#include <audiotarget.h>

A class to receive and process streamed audio

class AudioTargetBackendInterface : public avs::UseInternalAllocator
#include <audio_interface.h>

Audio target backend interface.

class AudioTargetInterface
#include <interfaces.hpp>

Audio target interface.

Nodes implementing this interface can act as data sinks for the purpose of decoding and playing audio.

Subclassed by avs::AudioTarget

class Buffer : public avs::PipelineNode, public avs::IOInterface
#include <buffer.hpp>

Ring buffer node [passive, 1/1]

A thread-safe, nonblocking, producer-consumer ring buffer with fixed capacity.

struct BufferView
#include <mesh_interface.hpp>

A view into a buffer. Could either be a contiguous subset of the data, or a stride-view skipping elements.

class ClientServerMessageStack : public avs::GenericEncoderBackendInterface
struct CompressedMesh
struct CompressedSubMesh
class Context
#include <context.hpp>

Global library context.

Context object managing application-global state. A single instance of this class must be instantiated by the application before accessing any other library functionality.

class CreateSessionDescriptionObserver : public webrtc::CreateSessionDescriptionObserver
class DataChannelObserver : public webrtc::DataChannelObserver
class Decoder : public avs::PipelineNode
#include <decoder.hpp>

Video decoder node [input-active, output-active, 1/1]

Reads packets of encoded video stream and outputs decoded frames to a surface.

class DecoderBackendInterface : public avs::UseInternalAllocator
#include <dec_interface.hpp>

Common decoder backend interface.

Decoder backend is responsible for decoding compressed video data using a particular hardware decoder. Decoded video frames are outputted to a registered surface.

Subclassed by teleport::android::VideoDecoderBackend, teleport::clientrender::VideoDecoderBackend

struct DecoderParams
#include <dec_interface.hpp>

Video decoder parameters.

struct DecoderState
struct DecoderStats
struct DeviceHandle
#include <common.hpp>

Graphics API device handle.

struct DisplayInfo
#include <common.hpp>

Information on the resolution of a client’s display.

struct EncodeCapabilities
class Encoder : public avs::PipelineNode
#include <encoder.hpp>

Video encoder node [input-active, output-active, 1/1]

Encodes video frames from input surface and outputs compressed bitstream.

class EncoderBackendInterface : public avs::UseInternalAllocator
#include <enc_interface.hpp>

Common encoder backend interface.

Encoder backend is responsible for encoding pictures using a particular hardware encoder.

struct EncoderParams
#include <enc_interface.hpp>

Video encoder parameters.

struct EncoderStats
#include <encoder.hpp>

Encoder performance stats.

class File : public avs::PipelineNode, public avs::IOInterface, public avs::PacketInterface
#include <file.hpp>

File node [passive, 1/1]

File node provides a way to read or write from binary files and thus can act either as a data sink or data source depending on configured FileAccess mode.

struct FilePayloadInfo : public avs::PayloadInfo
class Forwarder : public avs::PipelineNode
#include <forwarder.hpp>

Forwarder node [input-active, output-active, N/M]

Forwarder node reads data from its inputs and passes it to its outputs without modification. It is most useful as a proxy node if one wishes to link two passive nodes within a pipeline.

If an input or an output of a Forwarder node implements both PacketInterface and IOInterface then PacketInterface is used by the forwarder node to read or write data.

class GenericDecoder : public avs::PipelineNode
#include <genericdecoder.h>

Generic decoder node [input-active, output-active, 1/1]

Reads generic packets outputs to a Generic Target.

class GenericEncoder : public avs::PipelineNode
#include <genericencoder.h>

Video encoder node [input-active, output-active, 1/1]

Encodes video frames from input surface and outputs compressed bitstream.

class GenericEncoderBackendInterface

Subclassed by avs::ClientServerMessageStack

class GenericTargetInterface

Subclassed by teleport::client::SessionClient, teleport::server::ClientMessaging

struct GeometryBuffer
#include <mesh_interface.hpp>

A buffer of arbitrary binary data, which should not be freed.

class GeometryDecoder : public avs::PipelineNode
#include <geometrydecoder.hpp>

Geometry decoder node [input-active, output-active, 1/1]

Reads packets of encoded geometry and outputs decoded data to a Geometry Target.

class GeometryDecoderBackendInterface : public avs::UseInternalAllocator
#include <mesh_interface.hpp>

A Geometry decoder backend converts a.

Subclassed by teleport::clientrender::GeometryDecoder

class GeometryEncoder : public avs::PipelineNode
#include <geometryencoder.hpp>

Video encoder node [input-active, output-active, 1/1]

Encodes video frames from input surface and outputs compressed bitstream.

class GeometryEncoderBackendInterface : public avs::UseInternalAllocator
#include <mesh_interface.hpp>

A Geometry decoder backend provides geometry packets to a geometryencoder.

Subclassed by teleport::server::GeometryEncoder

class GeometryParserInterface
class GeometryRequesterBackendInterface : public avs::UseInternalAllocator
#include <mesh_interface.hpp>

This tells the Geometry Source node what it wants from the Geometry Source backend so the node can acquire the data to be sent for encoding.

Subclassed by teleport::server::GeometryStreamingService

class GeometrySource : public avs::PipelineNode, public avs::GeometrySourceInterface
#include <mesh.hpp>

Mesh node [passive, 1/1]

Provides access to geometry source data for other nodes in the pipeline.

class GeometrySourceInterface
#include <interfaces.hpp>

Mesh interface.

Nodes implementing this interface can act as data sources/sinks for the purpose of providing access to a mesh.

Subclassed by avs::GeometrySource

class GeometryTarget : public avs::PipelineNode, public avs::GeometryTargetInterface
#include <mesh.hpp>

Mesh node [passive, 1/1]

Provides access to geometry source data for other nodes in the pipeline.

class GeometryTargetBackendInterface : public avs::UseInternalAllocator
#include <mesh_interface.hpp>

Common mesh decoder backend interface.

Mesh backend receives data payloads and will convert them to geometry.

Subclassed by teleport::clientrender::ResourceCreator

class GeometryTargetInterface
#include <interfaces.hpp>

Geometry target interface.

Nodes implementing this interface can act as data sinks for the purpose of building geometry.

Subclassed by avs::GeometryTarget

struct guid
struct HTTPPayloadRequest
class HTTPUtil
#include <httputil.hpp>

Utility for making HTTP/HTTPS requests.

struct HTTPUtilConfig
struct InputEventAnalogue
#include <common_input.h>

Input events that can be normalised between two values; e.g. how pressed a trigger is.

struct InputEventBinary
#include <common_input.h>

Input events that can only be in two states; e.g. button pressed or not.

struct InputEventMotion
#include <common_input.h>

Input events that represent the motion in two directions; e.g. a stick on a controller.

class IOInterface
#include <interfaces.hpp>

General (stream of bytes) I/O node interface.

Nodes implementing this interface can act as data sources and/or sinks for the purpose of arbitrary reads and/or writes.

Subclassed by avs::Buffer, avs::File, avs::NullSink, avs::Packetizer, avs::Queue, avs::SingleQueue

struct LightNodeResources
struct Link
struct Mat4x4
struct Material
class MaterialExtension

Subclassed by avs::SimpleGrassWindExtension

struct MaterialResources
struct Mesh
struct MeshCreate
struct MeshElementCreate
#include <mesh_interface.hpp>

Structure to pass to GeometryTargetBackendInterface

struct MeshNodeResources
class NetworkSink : public avs::PipelineNode

Subclassed by avs::NullNetworkSink, avs::WebRtcNetworkSink

struct NetworkSinkCounters
#include <networksink.h>

Network sink counters.

struct NetworkSinkParams
#include <networksink.h>

Network sink parameters.

struct NetworkSinkStream
#include <networksink.h>

Network sink stream data.

class NetworkSource : public avs::PipelineNode
#include <networksource.h>

Network source node [passive, 0/1]

Receives video stream from a remote UDP endpoint.

Subclassed by avs::WebRtcNetworkSource

struct NetworkSourceCounters
#include <networksource.h>

Network source counters.

struct NetworkSourceParams
#include <networksource.h>

Network source parameters.

struct NetworkSourceStream
#include <networksource.h>

Network source stream data.

struct Node
struct NodeRenderState
class NullNetworkSink : public avs::NetworkSink
class NullSink : public avs::PipelineNode, public avs::IOInterface, public avs::PacketInterface
#include <nullsink.hpp>

Null sink node [passive, N/0]

Silently discards all data written to it.

class PacketInterface
#include <interfaces.hpp>

Packet I/O node interface.

Nodes implementing this interface can act as data sources and/or sinks for the purpose of packet reads and/or writes. Packet reads (writes) operate on atomic chunks of data - packets cannot be partially read or written.

Subclassed by avs::File, avs::NullSink

class Packetizer : public avs::PipelineNode, public avs::IOInterface
#include <packetizer.hpp>

Bitstream packetizer node [output-active, 1/M]

Accepts bitstream as input and broadcasts discrete packets to all its outputs. Expected bitstream format and output packets payload is defined by the selected stream parser.

When used with AVC_AnnexB parser it accepts AVC Annex B bitstream input and outputs individual NAL units.

struct PayloadInfo

Subclassed by avs::FilePayloadInfo, avs::StreamPayloadInfo

struct PBRMetallicRoughness
class PeerConnectionObserver : public webrtc::PeerConnectionObserver
class Pipeline
#include <pipeline.hpp>

A pipeline.

A pipeline is a collection of nodes linked together in a serial manner such that each node produces output for the next node. A pipeline does not take ownership of its nodes; a single node can be a member of more than one pipeline.

It is recommended to create no more than a single pipeline per application thread and link pipelines via shared Queue or Buffer nodes to ensure thread safety.

class PipelineNode
#include <node.hpp>

Abstract processing node.

Processing nodes are fundamental building blocks of pipelines. Each node can have N input slots, and M output slots (N,M >= 0), and can do some amount of work during pipeline processing.

Nodes can be classified as “input-active” and/or “output-active”, or “passive”.

  • Input-Active nodes read data from their inputs during processing.

  • Output-Active nodes write data to their outputs during processing.

  • Passive nodes usually don’t do any processing and just act as data sources & sinks to other, active, nodes.

Being aware of this classification is very important in correctly constructing pipelines.

Subclassed by avs::AudioDecoder, avs::AudioEncoder, avs::AudioTarget, avs::Buffer, avs::Decoder, avs::Encoder, avs::File, avs::Forwarder, avs::GenericDecoder, avs::GenericEncoder, avs::GeometryDecoder, avs::GeometryEncoder, avs::GeometrySource, avs::GeometryTarget, avs::NetworkSink, avs::NetworkSource, avs::NullSink, avs::Packetizer, avs::Queue, avs::SingleQueue, avs::Surface, avs::TagDataDecoder

class PlatformPOSIX
class PlatformWindows
struct Pose
struct PoseDynamic
struct PrimitiveArray
class Queue : public avs::PipelineNode, public avs::IOInterface
#include <queue.hpp>

Queue node [passive, 1/1]

A thread-safe, nonblocking, producer-consumer queue of byte buffers.

Sharing an instance of this node is the recommended way to link two pipelines running on different threads.

struct RenderingFeatures
#include <common.hpp>

Features supported by a client.

struct Result
#include <common.hpp>

Result type.

struct Sampler
template<typename T>
class Serial
class SetSessionDescriptionObserver : public webrtc::SetSessionDescriptionObserver
struct SetupMessage
#include <networksink.h>

A message sent by the reliable (e.g. Websockets) channel.

class SimpleGrassWindExtension : public avs::MaterialExtension
class SingleQueue : public avs::PipelineNode, public avs::IOInterface
#include <singlequeue.h>

Queue node [passive, 1/1]

A thread-safe, nonblocking, pseudo-queue of either one, or zero byte buffers. Pushing a buffer replaces the one that’s there, if any. Sharing an instance of this node is a way to link two pipelines running on different threads.

struct Skeleton
class StreamParserInterface : public avs::UseInternalAllocator
#include <parser_interface.hpp>

Common stream parser interface.

Stream parser parses raw bitstream into logical codec packets (usually NAL units).

struct StreamPayloadInfo : public avs::PayloadInfo
struct StreamStatus
class Surface : public avs::PipelineNode, public avs::SurfaceInterface
#include <surface.hpp>

Surface node [passive, 1/1]

Provides access to surface for other nodes in the pipeline.

class SurfaceBackendInterface : public avs::UseInternalAllocator
#include <surface_interface.hpp>

Common surface backend interface.

Surface backend abstracts graphics API specific hardware-accelerated surface handle.

Subclassed by avs::SurfaceDX11, avs::SurfaceDX12, avs::SurfaceVulkan

class SurfaceDX11 : public avs::SurfaceBackendInterface
#include <surface_dx11.hpp>

Direct3D11 texture surface.

Instance of this class holds reference on the underlying ID3D11Texture2D object.

class SurfaceDX12 : public avs::SurfaceBackendInterface
#include <surface_dx12.hpp>

Direct3D12 texture surface.

Instance of this class holds reference on the underlying ID3D12Resource object.

class SurfaceInterface
#include <interfaces.hpp>

Surface node interface.

Nodes implementing this interface can act as data sources/sinks for the purpose of providing access to a surface.

Subclassed by avs::Surface

class SurfaceVulkan : public avs::SurfaceBackendInterface
#include <surface_vulkan.hpp>

Vulkan texture surface.


Instance of this class holds reference on the underlying Vulkan image object.

struct SystemTime
class TagDataDecoder : public avs::PipelineNode
#include <tagdatadecoder.hpp>

Video tag data decoder node [input-active, 1/0]

Reads packets of encoded video tag data and outputs result to the application.

  • Compatible inputs: A queue of taga data.

struct TagDataDecoderStats
struct Texture
struct TextureAccessor
template<class T>
class ThreadSafeQueue
class Timer
#include <timer.hpp>

Timer for getting the elapsed between the start time and the current time.

class TimerUtil
#include <timer.hpp>

Timer for getting the elapsed between the start time and the current time.

struct Transform
class UseInternalAllocator
#include <memory.hpp>

Helper class for enforcing the use of memory allocator defined within libavstream library module.

This is used to prevent memory allocation/deallocation across DLL boundary even when operator new or operator delete are called from client code.

Subclassed by avs::AudioEncoderBackendInterface, avs::AudioTargetBackendInterface, avs::DecoderBackendInterface, avs::EncoderBackendInterface, avs::GeometryDecoderBackendInterface, avs::GeometryEncoderBackendInterface, avs::GeometryRequesterBackendInterface, avs::GeometryTargetBackendInterface, avs::StreamParserInterface, avs::SurfaceBackendInterface

template<typename T>
struct Vec2
template<typename T>
struct Vec3
template<typename T>
struct Vec4
struct VideoConfig
#include <common.hpp>

Information on the configuration of a video stream.

class WebRtcNetworkSink : public avs::NetworkSink
#include <webrtc_networksink.h>

Network sink node [passive, 0/1]

Reads data for each stream from a corresponding avs::Queue input node , assembles the data into payloads of network packets and sends the data to the client.

If data throttling is enabled for a stream, the seding of data may be spread over time to reduce network congestion.

class WebRtcNetworkSource : public avs::NetworkSource
#include <webrtc_networksource.h>

Network source node [passive, 0/1]

Receives video stream from a remote UDP endpoint.